Worship Style

Philosophy of Worship: The highest act of man is the worship of God. Our worship services are not designed to be entertaining or boring. Rather, it is our resolve to do the best job possible in leading those in attendance to encounter God. We seek to do this through a blended style of music, giving, and biblical teaching. It is our conviction that true worship is celebrative and life-changing.



During our worship service a mixture of hymns, traditional and contempory music is played or sung.


An outline of a typical Service includes:

  1. Organ Prelude
  2. Processional
  3. Traditional Gospel Songs of Praise
  4. Welcoming of Guests and Greeting of Each Other
  5. Musical selection
  6. Reading of Scripture
  7. Hymn
  8. Click: Sermon
  9. Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
  10. Altar Prayer
  11. Closing Selection (God be with You)