VBS Regulations

VBS Regulations:

Decisions regarding all VBS regulations will be left to the discretion of the program director or other church administration, such as the program director’s immediate supervisor or pastor.


Daily Dismissal and Pick Up Policy:

There is no van service

Every child must be signed out by the designated adult before he or she is permitted to leave.  If your child is a walker (he/she walks to VBS in the morning) he/she will be allowed to sign themselves out and walk home.  If you do not want your child to walk home, you must say so in writing. 

If you do not want your child to be picked up by anyone other than yourself, you must indicate that in writing.  If for any reason someone you have not predesignated has to pick up your child, you will be called at the number provided during registration to verify.  Anyone other than yourself must present picture identification and signature before your child will be released to them.  Your child will not be released to anyone under 18 years old. 

Dismissal will be at 5:00pm every evening.  Repeated late pick-ups may result in suspended or terminated participation. 



The following behaviors will not be tolerated.  If your child is found to be in violation of the code of discipline and does not positively respond to his / her teacher, his / her participation may be suspended or terminated. 

Offensive language

Harassment, Teasing, Bullying

Leaving the Group/Premises



Unsafe Play


You will be notified of violations by letter

Yellow Letter – Initial notice

Orange Letter – 2nd notice, potential suspension

Red Letter – 3rd violation, potential suspension or expulsion


Dress Code:

Any person found to be in violation of the dress code will be asked to change or, in worse case, he/she will be dismissed or excluded from all activity until such time that a parent or otherwise specified adult is able to pick them up.  All dress code violators will be given a warning.  If after being warned a child or volunteer continues to violate the dress code, the VBS director may suspend or terminate that person’s participation in the program.  The items listed below are considered inappropriate:

Halter Tops, Tube Tops, or any clothing which exposes the lower back or stomach. 

Sheer and semi sheer items

Low cut tops

Skirts / Dresses (exceptions may be made for female volunteers provided that the skirt or dress is full length)

Short Shorts

Low Rise Bottoms

Clothing with offensive language or symbols

Flip flops


Please note that your child will be excluded from water activities if he or she is not wearing full coverage swimwear.

Sneakers are recommended for children participating in sporting activities.


In case of emergency, you will be contacted by phone.  If you are not reachable, a program official will contact your alternate contact person.  If you child sustains injury that requires medical attention, he/she will be take to the nearest hospital. 

Field Trips

Every child participating in VBS is welcome to attend field trips throughout the week.  By completing the registration process, you indicate that we have permission to take your child away from the Timothy Baptist Church premises. 


If your child requires medication during program hours, please communicate with the program director so a plan can be established. 


By completing the registration process, you indicate that the church has permission to use any picture/recording that may include your child’s image or voice for the purpose of program advertisement.  If you do not wish for your child’s picture or voice to be used, you must indicate that in writing. 

Personal Property:

Jewelry is not prohibited; however, we recommend valuable items are kept at home.

Timothy Baptist Church and its representatives will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.  Any item deemed inappropriate by the VBS director will be prohibited. 


Program Cost

Enrollment cost for each child is $40.00 per week and a one time $10 registration fee.  Payment can be made in total at the start of the program or parents can pay weekly $40.00 each Monday.   Alternatives are considered in case of financial hardship.  Further information can be provided upon request.    




 To register, click the above link.  When the registration page pops up, select "Participant Registration" at the left of your screen.  

If you have any difficulty, send an email to Outreach@TimothyBaptistChurchMA.com or call 617-445-3820