"You Have to Reach One to Teach One"
“And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 KJV
Whether it is through an eveangelistic visit, a Friday night service, Community Day, or Vacation Bible School - Timothy Baptist Churh regularly links the church and the community.
The desired results of the Timothy Baptist Church evangelism ministries are:
- a church of members who are motivated by the Word of God and who are bold enough to share their faith with others
- a community of educated, employed believers who will use their skills to aide the church and to further the church’s effort to spread The Good News by taking Gods message into their jobs and classrooms
- a community of spiritually strengthened youth who are connected to the Body of Christ and prosperous in God’s service.
- a community of people who know Timothy as a place to go for help, for guidance, and for spiritual leadership.
Find your fit; click to learn about our various ministries:
- Diaconate
- Flower Ministry
- Hands Over Troubled Waters (HOTW)
- Men of Valor
- Music
- Outreach
- Prayer Ministry
- Sunday School
- Teaching (Bible Study)
- Youth Department